能量计 – 材料能量检测器,测量和确定负点 AURAMETER是一种水晶能量测量工具,人体气场探测器。美国迅龙尺能量棒进阶版。
The Aurameter energy meter is known as: Tool to measure material energy, detect negative points AURAMETER measures crystal energy, Human aura detector American Xunlong ruler energy bar Advanced version An enhanced version of this instrument is the AURAMETER PRO, which adds a level meter and a convenient glass probe for outdoor geology professionals. Other functions are the same as the generic version of AURAMETER.

该仪器的增强版是 AURAMETER PRO,它为户外地质专业人士添加了水平仪和方便的玻璃探头。其他功能与通用版AURAMETER相同。

30CM长能量探测棒正能量占卜科学风水驱逐负能量招财命理冥想(AD-ENERGY-WOOD-30CM) 名称:AURAMETER能量检测棒 产地:美国 材质:优质金铜手柄 进阶版 电能表的使用方法: 龙杖是一种灵活性极高的灵物。使用者必须大量练习,尤其是要有良好的灵性、宁静、冥想、能量训练的意识,才能达到像多功能智能设备一样控龙的能力。

The Aurameter Long Range Stick is a highly versatile spiritual item. The user must practice a lot, especially have a good sense of spirituality, tranquility, meditation, and energy training to achieve the ability to control the dragon like a multi-functional smart device.
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